Tuesday, 5 February 2019


Pick any of these and tell us what you think. Who do you prefer:

Thunderbirds or Captain Scarlet?

Star Wars or Star Trek?

Abbott and Costello or Laurel and Hardy?

The Munsters or the Addam's Family?

Irwin Allen or Gerry Anderson?

The Outer Limits or The Twilight Zone?

Action Man or Tommy Gunn?

GI Joe or Big Jim?

Bela Lugosi's Dracula or Christopher Lee's?


Godzilla or King Kong?

The original Planet of the Apes films or the modern ones?

Superman or Batman?

Marvel or DC?

Dr.Who or Dr. Quatermass?

Callisto or Scorpio?

Zero-X or Fireflash?

Robbie the Robot or the Lost in Space Robot?

A-Team or Knight Rider?


  1. Definitely Thunderbirds rather than Captain Scarlet. I think Captain Scarlet is too near the superhero format, which I am not a big fan of. Although I can appreciate it must have been difficult to do a follow-up to Thunderbirds. I agree with the commentator who said that Thunderbirds puppets, (esp. character like Parker), have a caricature or cartoon quality that is very appealing, while Captain Scarlet puppets were trying too hard to look human.
    I might be wrong here, but I have the feeling that Thunderbirds had a sense of humour at times, whereas Captain Scarlet was relentlessly grim. It may also be that I was exactly the right age to appreciate Thunderbirds, -by the time Joe 90 had appeared I had lost interest.

    1. All fascinating insights Andy. Quite a lot of Gerry Anderson productions were grim. The Project SWORD storyline was earth-endingly dark with casuals and rejects slain by SWORD agents! I wonder if it reflected a less swinging side of the Sixties?

  2. The original Planet of the Apes. The modern version has more convincing apes and a better origins idea too. However, I loved the original and was a massive fan of the tv series when it was first shown in the early 70's.

    1. I thought the first Charlton Heston movie was terrific too Kev and the scene where he comes across the fallen Liberty on the beach really brilliant. For some reason I find the killing of apes by humans in the modern films quite depressing. That could be an age thing.

  3. Captain Scarlet, but only by the narrowest of margins. Abbot and Costello, Star Trek.Addams family and Gerry Anderson. Lee and Alien. The original Planet of the Apes. Adam West of course! Lost in Space robot.
    This puts me firmly in the baby boomer generation. Born in '55 so a '60's child. You forgot Joe 90!

    1. Me too Peter, a fellow baby boomer. I forgot UFO and Space 1999 too but only because I could have gone on and one and I had to stop!

  4. Captain Scarlet, Star Wars, Laurel & Hardy, The Addams Family, The Twilight Zone, Christopher Lee, Alien, Godzilla, Batman, Quatermass - all of those were clear-cut, no contest for me. The original Planet Of The Apes movies do have the advantage over the recent trilogy... but only just!

    1. Good choices Anonymous! It is a very personal thing what we liked as a kid!

  5. OUCH! These certainly are dilemmas for ones of our years!
    I'll avoid wading into these turbid waters, other than to say I originally thought Thunderbirds was WAY better than Capatain Scarlet until I started seriously rewatching CS a few years ago. I always thought as a child that CS was far too humourless and rigid. Whilst the rigid criticism probably still holds, I'm amazed at how much British stiff upper lip humour, there actually is in that show. These days I think Colonel White is almost hilarious at times. I'm surprised a voice actor could imbue a fibreglass mannequin with such subtlty.
    "If we get out out of this..." "Yes Colonel?" "Get your hair cut!"
    The Colonel was just as good (with added expressiveness) in The New Capatin Scarlet.
    A bit creepy to think he's actually meant to be ten years younger than me!

    1. Great observations Lewis. I enjoyed captain Scarlet as well as a kid. there had to something after Thunderbirds! How do you watch these shows? On DVD or streaming?

  6. Wow, I feel a bit out of places with those. I am not that old xD
    I know most of the titles but I have never collect those (maybe besides Action Man and Godzilla figures)
    And about movies and tv series I prefer the old ones over the new "modern versions" (I hate what they did to the A-team and Knight Rider)

    1. No problem Ran. There will be many newer choices I wouldn't know - e.g. Akira or Ghost in the Shell - I wouldn't know. My friend is super excited about the coming film Alita but it means very little to me I'm afraid. I will go and see it with him though! Will you?

    2. The movie version of Alita is a MISTAKE, those eyes are ultracreepy
      And you need to remember that Movie version of Akira is only around 1/6 of whole Akira manga series.
      Ghost in the shell - only the 1st movie is perfect, the res is "only" good

    3. I knew you'd know about all this Ran!

  7. Heck Woodsy, you've thrown the cat amongst the pigeons with these. You're inciting civil war on Moonbase. For my ten penneth, hung jury on most, except Batman (Adam West), Scorpio, Robbie, GI joe, and Planet of the Apes (TV series). :)

    1. That's another dilemma Tone: Top Cat or Stop the Pigeon [was that the name of the show?]. Ha ha. Oddly enough my fave Batman is Michael Keaton as I though that the 1989 movie ground-breaking. The POTA TV series was amazing and I enjoyed seeing 'Galen' in the film Legend of Hell House last week on the telly. Without the gorilla mask, Roddy still has the same facial twitches he had in POTA!

  8. For me it would be the following:-

    Star Trek
    Laurel and Hardy
    The Addam's Family
    The Twilight Zone
    Action Man
    Christopher Lee as Dracula
    King Kong
    DC Comics
    The Lost in Space Robot
    The A-Team

    1. Very decisive Bill. Very interesting. I'm interested, why the Addam's Family rather than the Munsters?

    2. I might have been still a kid, but I thought Carolyn Jones was beautiful! I also liked the play on words with the names, all essentially to do with death etc... The Munsters sort of passed me by...

    3. Yes Morticia was gorgeous Bill, I agree, a gothic pin up! ha ha. Lookin at Wiki I see she was also the feminine version of THING, Lady Fingers. I really don;t recall a Lady Fingers! Do you?

  9. You opened up a can of worms with this one! Going to answer all of them!

    Thunderbirds or Captain Scarlet? - Apples and Oranges, I’m afraid. Love them both equally. Thunderbirds has an childlike enthusiasm and sense of wonder which is unmatched to this day. Captain Scarlet was dark and grim and sublime, and absolutely unforgettable . The caricaturist nature of the characters on Thunderbirds made them very “fantastic,” somehow, and the eerily human features of the characters in Captain Scarlet made their often-dangerous adventures seem almost too real.

    Star Wars or Star Trek? - HATE BOTH

    Abbott and Costello or Laurel and Hardy? - both, for different reasons. For physical comedy, L&H are the masters; for verbal banter, A&C are unequaled.

    The Munsters or the Addam's Family? - both, for different reasons. The Munsters was good slapstick shtick using the Universal monster brand, and Addams Family was more morbid, dark and cerebral. Both had boss theme songs.

    Irwin Allen or Gerry Anderson? - Gerry Anderson by a long shot! Irwin Allen shows do NOT hold up today.

    The Outer Limits or The Twilight Zone? - The Outer Limits by a hair. Spooky and dark and creepy.

    Action Man or Tommy Gunn? - Who?

    GI Joe or Big Jim? - Who?

    Bela Lugosi's Dracula or Christopher Lee's? - Bela always!


    Godzilla or King Kong? - Gojira!

    The original Planet of the Apes films or the modern ones? - Eh...

    Superman or Batman? - Both boring; superheroes are so lame...

    Marvel or DC? - Both boring; comics are so lame...

    Dr.Who or Dr. Quatermass? - Quatermass of course!

    Callisto or Scorpio? - ???

    Zero-X or Fireflash? - Zero-X! Zero-X! Zero-X!

    Robbie the Robot or the Lost in Space Robot? - Zzzzzz, both overrated and overshadowed by Japanese Robots.

    A-Team or Knight Rider? - never watched either, proud to say!

    1. Wow, Zigg: decisive too and controversial! Why do you dislike Star Wars, Star trek, ALIEN, ALIENS and comics? Did you feel that way when you were younger?
