Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Target Hot Wheels Sizzler Set Re-Issue

Hi Woodsy,

I saw the recent posting about the Hot Wheels Sizzlers set and found my reissue set. 

I had the original cars, charger, and track back in the '60's. Like most of my childhood toys, none survived my parents! 

Target Department store reissued some of the cars, chargers, and track sets in 2006. 

I picked up several cars, chargers, and one track set. 

Below is a photo of the track I bought. Somewhere in a box I have the cars and chargers. They actually are a lot of fun. 

Just above it is a reissue of the Snake/Mongoose set from the same time, I think it was a KMart Department store reissue. 

Henderson, NV 


  1. I always enjoy seeing other peoples toy collectibles here, Jim :)

  2. Wow,I had no idea Sizzlers had been re-issued!I had the original ones when I was a kid.I seem to remember corrosion was a big problem with them,probably because I left them outside in the rain or tried running them in the bathtub,something stupid like that.For our friends overseas,Target is a popular department store in the U.S.I always thought they had a nice toy selection,but with the unfortunate demise of ToysRUS,Target seems to be stepping up in the toy department,particularly in the"adult collector"genre.In 2018 they were exclusive sellers of the newly re-born Mego line of retro style action figures.I would imagine they ship worldwide,so perhaps they're worth a search on the net,yes?
