Monday, 4 February 2019


I imagine the number of Star Wars knockoff toys is as limitless as the hairs on a Wampa's back.

Here's a prime example, the Star King.

Looking a lot like a pink birthday cake, it appears to be a Millennium Falcon with something vaguely familiar slapped on top. A Klingon bird of prey maybe?

I saw this one on an online site ages ago. It has 8 space sounds!

Looking at the back of the box  there are two more mash-ups: one a USS Enterprise and the other a more generic flying saucer. Both of them have strange engine attachments like the Falcon.

What do you think of the Star King readers?


  1. What amuses me about Star King and so many other Falcon knock offs is the addition of a second cockpit.

    In regards to the strange engine attachments, those are copies of Galoob's Micro Machines Star Trek ships being used a bit creatively.

    The Falcon is using the Vor'cha attack cruiser in its normal posture and appears to be unmodified. It can be seen here

    The Enterprise appears to actually be using the saucer section upside down based on the curves of it towards the center and the original engines attached to the sides sticking straight out. The attachment appears to me to be the Enterprise C secondary hull flipped upside down. However not seeing the actual toy, my secondary thoughts are this is an Enterprise C model flipped upside down and original warp nacelles added to the saucer. I say this as here is the C upside down

    The UFO looks really familiar but I'm drawing a blank on what it is based on. The engine attachment for it however is the Enterprise D secondary hull flipped upside down. The D can be seen here with the saucer separated

    I'd wager the 2 circular sections on the aft of the Falcon and the 1 on the Enterprise are actually the Falcon's round comm dish that usually stands above the flat lines of the Falcon and is being used here to help "disguise" the sources used.

    Overall a bit gaudy and brazen but quite imaginative toy line in my opinion.

    1. Fab observations Lance. I would say you've nailed down every part of those ships! I love the Vor'cha attack cruiser slapped on there! It did take some thought to create these mash-ups I agree. Making knockoffs must be a risky business though surely, never knowing if the originator will take you to court. I suppose only the most flagrant and high-profile knock off lines get taken to court as it must be very time consuming and expensive for the trademark holders like, in the case of Star Wars figs and vehicles in the Seventies, Kenner.
