Thursday, 21 February 2019


Via Bill B: the complete 1986 Hong Kong Toys Catalogue available now via Google Drive [GD] as a PDF for download. It cannot be viewed online, and has to be downloaded and saved locally. Its BIG!

GD will give you warnings about file size, and GDs inability to scan it for viruses, but it's just a massive PDF of over 600 pages of toys. Feel free to save, and share again via GD.

Three pages of interest to readers of Moonbase especially are the LP page and the 2 Tai Hing [T in a Circle] pages. I have copied and saved them as screengrabs.

Here's the LP page with the red devil logo very clear. The full name of the company is too: Lik Be Plastics and Metal Factory Ltd.

Its interesting to see how LP had developed by 1986 where they offer musical boxes and giftware.

Of equal interest is this, the first Tai Hing page. Many toy collectors will know them better as T in a Circle on account of their logo but here that is not used. The full Tai Hing brand is shown. All of the toys we've seen before except the flying disk copter and the soldiers, which are new to the blog.

Have you got any of these toys?

Fascinatingly, Tai Hing pop up again in the same catalogue but this time with a completely new range of toys and a new logo based on a seal balancing a ball on its nose!

Does anyone have any of these toys?

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