Saturday, 23 February 2019


Before I break up the temporary diorama I did for my previous post and photos on my Product Enterprise Mobiles, I thought I do a few shots of two of my Dinky S.H.A.D.O. Mobiles which have been given a bit of a make –over.

After watching the UFO episode, Sound of Silence which uses Black Park, situated next to Pinewood Studios for some of its locations, I thought I’d have a little fun trying to recreate some of the model scenes which featured the Mobiles. 

In the episode a UFO lands in a lake within a thickly wooded area. Mobiles are sent to investigate, and it soon becomes clear that the UFO is hidden beneath the murky depths. As dusk falls the Mobiles close in… 

Col. Paul Foster oversees the hunt for the UFO and uses SHADO Control as the mobile base of operations. Unlike the other three Mobiles, SHADO Control has a roof mounted radar scanner.  I scratch –built one for the Dinky using some plastic card, plastic square shaped rod, some bits of old kit parts, and for the radar dish, a section of a clear curved  plastic from the side of a washing up bottle. Finally, it’s bolted to the roof so I can rotate it by hand.

As I only build these things for my photos they don’t have to be ultra-accurate, just look something like.

For S.H.A.D.O. 1, which I built a while ago, the only scratch-built parts are the bits on the cabin roof. I used spray paint Ford Cuirass Metallic for the body, although for my SHADO Control I opted for Ford Glacier Blue, which is slightly lighter in shade.

I suppose I’ll probably get round to doing a Dinky S.H.A.D.O.2 & 3 eventually, once I find a couple of cheap donor models, suitably battered and  ready for a new lease of life.


  1. Woodsy, These photos seem to be far too realistic to be model dioramas. I think Scoop is actually a SHADO Agent pulling a double bluff that SHADO was just a fictitious creation. It's for real!

    1. Ha,ha! Thanks Terra, you found me out.:D

  2. I remember the episode, Scoop. I think you've nailed it with some pretty impressive work. The attention to detail is fab, and the scenery is outstanding, including the teasing glimpse of the lake, with its realistic wave effect. Very impressive! :)

    1. Thanks Tony, yeah, I was quite pleased with the running water illusion.

  3. These really are superb. They are the sort of thing I'm still aiming for!

  4. Terrific photography Scoop. Your dioramas really do bring those Mobiles to life. They could easily be stills from the show!
