Tuesday, 1 January 2019


Being a fan of Billy Blastoff since I got my own one Christmas years ago in the mid-Sixties I am always checking in on the little fella.

So I was interested when I saw this Japanese Billy Blastoff set last year on Yahoo Japan.

Japanese kids and collectors seem to love Billy too and there are a range of Billy sets and toys in Japan.

This struck me as unusual as it has a yellow crawler.

I'm pretty sure they're usually white or grey in Western sets. Its even grey on the Japanese box pictured.

Have you seen a yellow one?


  1. Not familiar with Billy Blastoff, but can tell from this set that he must have been way cool! This set is worth it just for the box!

    1. I loved Bill B Zigg, Everything was powered by the battery backpack he had on his back. With this he drove spaceships, boats, for engines and much more. My fave BB bits were his frogman set and the fabulous TV set and ray gun that came with the space set. Watch out for some at your local toy fair!

  2. My brother and I got a set for Christmas when we were tots.My mother recently told us that she and my father actually opened the box and played with them before Christmas themselves because they thought the toys were very cool and fun.They were right!

    1. I can understand that they had a go first! ha ha. It was such a cool range with so many sets: scuba diver, fireman, builder and of course spaceman. What were your fave bits and sets Brian?

  3. That tractor in the space set with the rubber treads was the one part that lasted the longest.I also seem to remember the fireman set actually shooting water(?)Its been so long,I could be wrong.

    1. Never had the fireman set but I can imagine it did shoot water. Billy B and water just went together. He was either swimming in it, sailing in it or using it to put out toy fires!
