Friday, 11 January 2019


The Deep Sea Diver is a 12 inch action figure by Redbox. 

Sadly, a red valve is missing from the dive helmet of this example. Just like the GI Joe and Action Man Deep Sea Divers, the Redbox copy was also equipped with tubes enabling him to dive and resurface. 

The 8 inch Action Parachutist box is marked M Toy and BBRB, Hong Kong. The actual figure is identical to the one used above and was probably a cheap generic HK doll which was readily available at the time. 

The outfit was probably inspired by the GI Joe Fantastic Freefall set. Basic parachute toys, many from Hong Kong, were ever popular with kids. This one being more detailed than most. 

The smaller 8 inch Astronaut in the pics is the twin of the one now enjoying new adventures on Moonbase. 

I had three originally. One was launched into orbit as part of the eBay Expeditionary Mission some years ago. The other two were put away until now. 

The larger Astronaut is also a 12 inch action figure by Redbox, marketed as 'Operation Astronaut'. This version was influenced by Mattel's Major Matt Mason, although other versions, with different designs also were released.

Tony K


  1. It's interesting that the parachutist is Aircrew that bailed out rather than a Paratrooper which toy soldiers usually are.

    The crudeness of the figures features is a bit of a let down given the effort gone to for the rest of the clothing and equipment. Nice packaging.

    These days only Barbie has this much in accessories.

    1. You're right, most of these period parachute toys were soldiers instead of pilots. More detail certainly went into the clothing, accessories and packaging, Terranova. I guess the type of cheap figure used here helped to keep production costs down. Typical of HK action figure products at the time.
      Once decarded, I doubt he would've survived many bedroom window drops :)

  2. Just adorable, Tony. An excellent set beautifully presented.

    What caught my attention with that Deep Sea Diver are those lead shoes marked Redbox, made in cast metal! An interesting feature, as the doll supposedly was not meant to be floated. Plain plastic would have been much cheaper to manufacture, so at least some attention to detail (a lot, methinks!) went into the production of these figs.

    1. You're spot-on about the lead weights for the boots... well spotted. You've Eagle-Eyes, Arto. I like the Redbox diver, which as you point out, has some excellent production values for what was essentially a cheaper toy option back then. I actually prefer the humble Redbox Deep Sea Diver over the GI Joe or Action Man versions. Truth is I admire the efforts of Redbox and similar HK companies to produce toys which were upstart enough to challenge the big brand toys of the day. Their failings, and they often had many, only adds to the appeal for me :)

    2. I am completely with you, Tony. Sometimes less is more. Perhaps it is about the space for fantasy, adding your own ideal into something that is not all-perfect but rather suggestive instead.

      I do not have my own example of the Deep Sea Diver at hand at the moment, but those lead weights came back to mind as an interesting detail when seeing your photo. Instead of being just generic ones, perhaps borrowed from another suitable action figure, they bear the embossed Redbox logo on them. So they must have been able to mold not only plastic but metal as well (if not subcontracted)!

    3. The weighted boots are an interesting and puzzling point Arto. If I'm not mistaken, I think the diver's hammer (not shown in pics) may also have been embossed with the Redbox logo as well. Perhaps these details serve as a testimony showing that Redbox was attempting to produce cheaper toys to a higher standard :)

  3. I think I had that parachuting chap. Hadn't remembered him until I saw your photo, thanks!

  4. It's great to know that a pic has jogged a distant memory and nurtured nostalgia. Thanks Kevin! A comment like this makes it worthwhile :)

  5. PLEASE NOTE - to clarify, the 8 inch figure used for the Parachutist set is the same generic doll used for the 8 inch Astronaut set. Not the same action figure which came with the Deep Sea Diver, which I seem to have wrongly implied in my hast to number the pics. Sorry for any confusion :)

    1. My fault Tone! I think I shuffled the pictures!

    2. Ha ha, no worries either way, Woodsy. All part of the fun :)

  6. Haste, not hast... I need to rest :)

  7. I'm pretty sure I had the Action Parachutist as well Tone. Like Kev, its the pictures that's reminded me! Thanks!

    1. A pleasure, Woodsy. I checked the Redbox Deep Sea Diver's hammer. It isn't marked 'Redbox' as I originally wrongly thought when I suggested it to Arto. However, the black plastic boots are embossed :)

  8. Finally found all of the pieces to finish the final iteration of the Redbox astronaut this featured a silver space suit and gloves almost the exact clone of the GI Joe items - I'd love to post it up to share but don't know how - can anyone help ?

    1. Hi Paul, Woodsy here, blog owner. if you wish to share your pictures and words then just send them to me via email. Its at the bottom of this page .... moonbasecentral@...... Thanks, Woodsy

  9. Cheers Woodsy - thanks to shifts only just got back on BUT have sent email over.

    1. Thanks Paul. Email got to Moonbase fine thanks. Great pics to be definately blogged. Thanks!
