Friday, 18 January 2019

The Trouble with Toy Cards

I've just been cruising Ed Berg's wonderful Toy Connect blog, checking out his extremely enviable collection of vintage toys. as there are so many delights to choose from, I went for space toys first and came up against our old friend, the LP brand Space Explorer. 

We've seen this on the blog before, but Ed has a rare carded version with some beautiful artwork. looking closer at it, I saw that it has a Telstar satellite from john Schoenhoerr's pulp book cover from the 'Trouble with Telstar' story by John Berryman from Analog. The card art also shows the other LP Rocket toy and a wheel shaped station.

The orginal story from Analog can be read here:

Ed's marvelous conucopia of vintage toys can be seen here too:


  1. Loverly connections Bill. LP really did do a lot of box and cart art didn't they. And if I'm not mistaken the craft in the original pulp art you show is our pal the Dyna Soar!

  2. Yep, looks very like it. Theres other illustrations in the story on Project Gutenberg too.

  3. I do love John's work, his art for the Dune series really
    captures the look of the books perfectly.
