Wednesday, 2 January 2019


One of the lesser known vehicles of the Anderson universe, at least to me, the Hudson Rolls Royce from Terrahawks would make an interesting addition to any collection.

This image is borrowed from flickr [T'Shot].

I'm still unsure if this is a die-cast or a plastic toy. You readers?

What's its story in the TV show?

Has anyone got one that you could photograph and send through some pics?


  1. Hudson was a posh sounding, self-driving car that was owned by the commander of the Terrahawks. It had the ability to change colour to suit any occasion.
    I think that toy was plastic.

    1. Wow, that's a cool quality for a car to have, chameleonism! I wonder if the toy came in different colours too?

  2. It might have done, I don't know. Glad they didn't exist in reality, my dad was a car painter, he'd have been out of work!

  3. Its a naff pull back and go plastic toy. Pretty uninspiring really. Only ever came in blue.Stands for:
    HUDSON (Heuristic Universal Driver with Sensory and Orbital Navigation)

    1. What's heuristic mean prof?

    2. I think Heuristics is something to do with artificial intelligence, as Hudson is capable of autonomous action, like driving himself and talking to Ninestein!

  4. Good thing HUDSON does not stand for The HUDSON Motor Car Company, the name was used from 1909 to 1957 when it was discontinued after the company became part of American Motors.

    Real Hudsons were not self driving or colour changing unless you count fading paint from bright sunlight.

    1. So do you still see old Hudsons around Terran?

  5. Hi Edwin Smith-Jones. I must apologise for two things. I appear to have deleted your comment by mistake and also for not crediting your photograph. I have checked my old archive and it was indeed yours on Flickr. Here is your original comment, which remained in my email but has been removed from the blog. Sorry again.

    Sorry edited for a spelling error.

    This is a plastic toy with a pull back & go motor..
    I should know as I took this picture & posted it on my flickr account (user name T'shot) back in 2016.

    I do hope this photo's not being used on an auction site as the toys sitting in my display cabinet & I've no intentions of ever parting with it.

  6. Hi Woodsy
    No apologies needed, sorry if I came over as being a bit blunt, I was in a rush to get to work this morning when I typed the above.
    I've absolutely no trouble sharing my pictures with fellow collectors, especially you guys up there on Moonbase as I'm a fan & regular reader of this fantastic blog... it was just the thought of somebody bidding for something they weren't actually getting :-)

    1. Hey Superb Edwin, thanks a lot. I checked out lots of your flickr photos of toys - Anderson and Action Man et al. They're really great. Maybe we could arrange a slideshow link to them here somehow?

  7. Ive got a Hudson somewhere, its probably the naffest of the otherwise excellent Terrahawks toys. ill fetch them all out and photograph them asap. Does anyone have the large Spacehawk ? Was it ever made ?

    1. dunno a out that Spacehawk but if you do find the Hudson then a few snaps with some SpaceX and maybe a FAB1 would be cool Bill.
