Sunday, 6 January 2019


Well its my last day off work and I'm sorting through stuff lying around after Christmas, signs that it really did happen!

I thought I'd share a few of the things I got over the festive season. Some were gifts and some were purchased on days out.

I love books and in this new Xmas bundle are: Stephen King's Pet Semetary, The Twelve Fingered Boy, Titus Groan - the first in the Gormenghast trilogy - and a new reference book called Paperbacks from Hell, a US look at collecting horror novels. Now that's my kind of book!

I was also fortunate to receive this wonderful gift from Tony K [thanks very much!]. Its a Space vintage Action Astronaut like the one I had as a kid! These figures came in triangular window boxes with a side-header.

I'll blog more about this figure when I take him out of the box the next time.

If you have any figures like this I'll blog them too if you want.

More Xmas gifts to follow soon.


  1. That Space Action Astronaut is a wonderful piece indeed, both the doll with all those accessories and the box with its graphics. A beautiful thing to have as a child as well as later in life.

    A couple of years ago I came a cross a similar kind of Redbox "Diver in Action", which unfortunately had the side flap cut off. Very charming piece nonetheless!

  2. Glad he's gone to the Moonbase, Woodsy. I agree with Arto, there's something charming and perhaps reassuring about these simple old HK toys :)

    1. Indeed it is charming Tone and thanks again. I adored these Action Man clones as a kid, maybe even more than the real thing!

  3. This looks like one I got in Largs in 1971, except it was (I think) the deep-sea diver that Arto mentions. If I remember correctly, his face is a ringer for Action Man's, but without the scar. Right, Tony, you can't neglect everyone else - where's our presents?

    1. Yeah, I had that Deep Sea Diver as well Kid and I hate to say, I still have one I think! I shall blog it when I find it and the astronaut more fully soon.

  4. This looks like one I got in Largs in 1971, except it was (I think) the deep-sea diver that Arto mentions. If I remember correctly, his face is a ringer for Action Man's, but without the scar. Right, Tony, you can't neglect everyone else - where's our presents?

  5. Hiya Kid, Typically Santa's messed up again and delivered them to the wrong locations... just as he did with the Johnny Seven I always wanted a nipper. Ah, enough of the Johnny Seven I never had as a lad, I'm trying to forget and move on :)

    1. Johnny envy is quite understandable Tone!

    2. Thanks Woodsy... Doh, darn it! :)

  6. I don't know why my comments keep repeating - I only hit the publish button once. Anyway, meant to say that my deep-sea diving figure was around 12 inches tall, so if this figure is smaller than that then it must be a different one.

  7. This astronaut figure is approx 7 inches tall, Kid. I've also seen a 7 inch tall deep sea diver and parachutist/pilot as well.
    I think you're on the right track though, as there was also a 12 inch tall 'Opertaion Astronaut' figure and a deep sea diver made by Redbox back then. Both were very well made and came in colourful window boxes. These may be what you remember from your childhood?. I'll send in a couple of pics to Woodsy for you :)

    1. Ta much. If the figure has a face like Action Man, then that'll be the one.

  8. Not sure why your comments duplicate themselves Kid. Have you got two Google or Blogger accounts by any chance? Its a mystery.

    As promised Tony has supplied me with a brilliant bunch of pics of his Redbox family and friends. I will post them tomorrow afternoon/evening.

    1. Nope, only the one under the name of 'Kid'. (In fact, only the one under any name.)
