Monday, 24 December 2018


Here we are again folks, the tipping point of the year, shortest day has passed and the preparations for Christmas (in the UK at least) are coming to an end.

I love Xmas, always have since I was a boy, even though its magic has paled and tarnished considerably over the last 50 years or so. Its been an interesting year with its highs and lows, we have lost may good friends recently including the wonderful Ken Holt and the maestro himself Mike Noble.

Its this which spurs me to write today, as although we feel the loss of the amazing talents and minds of the creators of the world which we celebrate on the blog, its important to bear in mind that we stand on their giant shoulders and like a multi stage rocket propelling a probe into deep space, although the mighty engines which lifted our hopes and aspirations up out of jealous gravity's well are now spent, the impetus and drive they have imparted, propel us speeding into new realms which we could never have hoped to reach as children gazing wistfully at coloured lights and tumbling snowflakes, falling from a starlit sky.

I am useless at sending cards and remembering birthdays, but I would just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their companionship, support, enthusiasm and help on and off the blog. So in no particular order, Mike, Ed, Paul V, Evil Ed, Tony, Arto, Andy, Terra, Kid, Mike Mc, Ev, Terry, Ran, Hugh, Kev and all the wonderful people who stop by and enjoy the blog and chip in on the sidelines. I wish you all a great xmas and a fabulous New Year.

Best wishes from Mars Base!

ps If i have missed any names off this very brief list, apologies, its the red wine im currently pouring as my dinner prep proceeds!


  1. Well said Billster, Enjoy your Crimbo, dinner, vino and Kraken. May your Yule be cool.

  2. Seasons greetings and all the best for 2019, Bill :)

  3. And may I echo your sentiments, BB, and say that I hope Santa brought you something special. Have a great 2019.
