Wednesday, 5 December 2018


A few more of my photo memories of our blog friend and all round top man, Ken Holt, who sadly passed away last Sunday.

Most  Gerry & Sylvia Anderson fans will know that Ken served as Studio Production Manager at the Century 21 building at Stirling Road, and naturally had much personal insight into the day-to-day running of the studio. In fact, Ken was apparently the man who turned out the lights and locked up when Century 21 finally left the buildings.

Ken chatting to Georgina Moon 

Ken chatting to Prentis Hancock

He was certainly a popular guest at various conventions, and on top of that he was a member, and an active  commentator on many of the Facebook groups dealing with those Century 21 days.  His enthusiasm and love for the subject really shone through, especially when he reminisced about 'the boys and girls' as he called them, working on the special effects. He was , of course especially fond of Derek Meddings.

He was 'friends' with many fans on Facebook, and his genuine and personable style made him so well liked with everyone, even if the technology occasionally frustrated him and he would vent his annoyance at it over several posts. Thankfully, I suspect his daughter, or one of his grandchildren would quickly sort it for him.

I did take a video of Ken, along with his pal, Focus Puller Robin McDonald and AP Films Director Alan Perry at RAF Cosford in 2014. It was only filmed for my personal use simply to check facts for my blog posts, and it was never my intention to post it, as the sound is quite low. But, it is just about  audible, and I feel I'd rather share it as it does feature our Ken in full flow chatting about his days at the studio.

I know it's an obvious thing to say but, what the heck, I think I speak for everyone when I say you will be missed, mate.


  1. Thanks Scoop for sharing your information and impressions on Mr. Holt over all these years. Your deep affection for him shows through in your posts, and you have helped greatly to share his legacy for us all. So thank you and thank you Mr. Holt for giving us our mythical past.

  2. I agree, thanks Scoop for this touching tribute to Ken. A great man and so sad he's gone. Thanks for sharing your pictures, video and words about Ken.

  3. Cheers Arto and Woodsy. Yes, I must say thanks to Bill who pointed Ken in my direction, and Ken's daughter who found the blog in the first place. I'm grateful I got to meet up with Ken on several occasions and he always had a word of encouragement for the blog and my photo dioramas and the Century 21 related stuff.

    I was really pleased, not to say surprised when he contacted me via my phone video messenger from his hospital bed saying how he felt really lifted by all the get well soon messages. I think if he could have thanked everyone personally he would have. I always felt he really enjoyed his time on Facebook and was able to chat with fans about the C21 series. I reckon just about every Gerry and Sylvia Anderson fan was his 'friend'.

    Ken was one of those people who had those all important first hand memories of the workings of the Century 21 studios, and sadly there's not that many left now.

    As you say Woodsy, a great man and so sad he's gone...

  4. Ken was a really unassuming and generous chap, with no airs and graces or issues with answering all my daft questions about his life and work. Despite his amazing career in film and TV, working on Tom Thumb, Ivanhoe and Gorgo amongst others for MGM and being instrumental inthe production of The Investigator, DoppelGanger and UFO, Ken always maintained he was very much the 'back room boy'. It was a pleasure and priveledge to briefly know him and share my thanks with him for the huge part he played in the creation of so many fond memories. Goodnight Ken and thank you.
