Sunday, 18 November 2018


Hello Woodsy, 

This is a blast from the past. 

I'm sure that you and other readers of the blog at some point in their childhoods applied water based transfers to the back of their hands. 

I remember some birthday parties when these were handed out so even 'parents' approved. 

I bought these in the US back in the 70's when a member of The Ephemera Society. 

They are American and would date to the 40's but cleverly avoid being accused of war mongering as each page of four has an unrelated animal! 



  1. I've got Captain Scarlet transfers from the '60s, plus Yogi Bear transfers from the same decade. The ones I'd most like to re-acquire though, are the Daleks transfers. We called them 'dabbities', because once we'd wet them, we'd 'dab' them onto the back of our hands.

    1. 'Dabbites' was good name Kid. I remember the sensation well. Being stuck to the back of my hand. I don't recall the daleks but then again I don't recall any I had. I imgaine I went for monsters wherever possible. I adored the ads for Impko horror decals in the back of American comics like Creepy and Eerie. Impko decals looked fantastic.

  2. They were sold in gumball vending machines when I was a kid.They were marketed as "Tattoos".I bought them if the theme was something that appealed to me;skulls,motorcycles,monsters,etc.I remember a neighborhood kid made waves at school by showing up with an eagle"Tattooed" to his neck!Oddly I don't remember when these disappeared from everyday sales,or why.I certainly don't see them around now.Its ironic to think they are now frowned upon when 8 year olds can get a henna print that will last a week,or sixteen year olds being able to get tattoos with"permission from parents'

    1. I imagine I was like you Tone, opting for tattoos of monsters and skulls! yes! I bet modern kids would love tattoos - they are just like us, always after a new craze - although Academies have banned virtually everything except the school uniform!

    2. BrianF Woodsy,not Tony

    3. Sorry Brian. I'm preoccupied at the moment with domestic crap.

  3. they are so weird, Stalin looks like a french impressionist and Churchill looks like Hughie Green from Opportunity Knocks. Why on earth a child (even in the forties) would want to slap a portrait of a foreign military leader on their hand is beyond me.
