Wednesday, 21 November 2018


Above is the logging vehicle from the Futurama GM ride in the Sixties. Its pictured in a screengrab from You Tube.

Very Gerry Anderson, the logger could have easily have come off the set of Thunderbirds.

It recalls this similar vehicle I think, the Sea Crawler, which formed part of the cool Remco Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea set. Its a set I didn't have as a kid and would would say no to one now!

Oddly enough there's another vehicle like this in the Remco set, this one which I've only just seen tonight on Boomerville's blog. Its the same as above but appears to have a gun barrel instead of the grabber. Is this a common toy in the Remco sets?

1 comment:

  1. Such a gorgeous toy design, looks like it would fit right in with Sword or Spacex. Remco made a couple of Seaview sets, large and small, with three vehicles. I suspect the same molds were re-issued in other sets, as they did with the Hamilton Invaders Mosquito Jeep (Cricket) which turned up as part of the Star Trek range. I'm almost certain the General Motors Futurama ride contributed to episodes of Thunderbirds and other Gerry Anderson creations and toys, as its basically the Crablogger in operation!
