Wednesday, 31 October 2018


Will you or your kids be wearing plastic fangs today?


  1. I recall those from my childhood and getting some as knockoffs ie not in a package. Target still sells bags of them but so much flash on them you need to trim them. Never had the werewolf version, always the vampire. Later on I found the upper fang version that sat between your lip and teeth. Was way easier to eat, drink and talk with them and you could control how much showed by moving your lip.

    of course, plastic vampire fangs always make me think of Vampire's Kiss starrign Nicolas Cage.

    1. Great toothy memories Lance! I'm impressed that you tried to carry on normal life with your fangs in including eating! ha ha. We had some fanged little monsters at the door trick or treating tonight but they caught us on the hop. We'd just got back from a holiday and had no sweets in the house. Rather boringly we had to gove them some money! As for Nic Cage, I've never seen that film!
