Saturday, 1 September 2018


For some reason I thought I had a BIG TRAK as a kid in the Sixties.

This can't be right, It was only released in 1979. I must be thinking of the Scramble Bug or the Moon Mobile.

BIG TRAK has become a classic toy. Dare I even say cool? It has its own Wikipedia page and was even re-issued in 2010. You can still get a brand new one on Amazon! There's even a miniature version! Now that's longevity!

Why is that? Is it the fact that its programmable or have the Late Seventies/ Eighties generation grown up, got jobs and want some of their old toys?

What do you think?

Trakking across the world Big Trak even made it to Russia and here's one I clocked on Ebay  released in 1991.

Did you have a Big Trak?


  1. I did not have a Big Trak growing up. The neighbor next to us did. He also had the first issue Starbird and the mostly cardboard base that was available for it.

    I think it is come back due to nostalgia and that back then many kids wanted it but they were quite expensive so out of the budget for many families. Now those kids are older and have their own money and can buy what they still have a desire for. It ran around $43 US which is close to $140 currently.

    A couple of things I learned when these were reissued 8ish years ago was that the white version is the european version. We had a grey version in the states which looked better imo.

    Also the US version was called Big Trak while the EU got Bigtrak.

  2. Still do!Still works!

  3. We want some video please MJ! A very short look of it working!
