Sunday, 26 August 2018


After suggesting he show his unusual and original Grosvenor Films photos of the Telegoons to the Goon Show Preservation Society's Telegoons Merchanodise page*, Terranova47 received this great reply and a 1st proof of the relevant 'letters' page of their Newsletter, number 160. Terranova's short 'letter' and photo are printed in it - pictured above.

Dear B,
I thought you might be interested to see what we have done with your fabulous Telegoons photos. It's amazing that after nearly 60 years The Goon Show is still so popular, and we have difficulty finding space for all the stories, articles and photos waiting to go into our quarterly newsletters. 

Many thanks again for the photos. One of the original puppeteers, Ann Perrin, was thrilled to see them.

Best wishes,
John Repsch
The Goons Show Preservation Society


* Telegoons Merchandise website featuring an excellent cover gallery of TV Comic Annuals, which many of you will recognise and know.


  1. If anyone is interested in the Telegoon publicity photos just enter the name in the Moonbase Central search box at the top of the page to find the earlier post.

    For fans of the Gerry Anderson shows, Supermarionation was a rival system of lip synchronization to the one used for the Telegoons. The Neddy Seagoon puppet had more facial expressions than anything on the contemporary Supermarionation.

    It's a credit to Woodsy that the connection to the Fan base of the Goons was contacted to share these images.

    Nostalgia Rules!

    1. Thanks Terran. A joint effort. I mention the TV Comic Annuals as its probably where I first saw the Telegoons, inside the annuals. The iconic cover for me has to be the one with Steed driving his car over a rollercoaster with lots of passengers like Dr.Who and a Telegoon and maybe even Tivvy! I may even have it in the loft!
