Friday, 17 August 2018


Hello Woodsy

Not necessarily worthy of your blog but in order to be a completest, the toy boat I was given when in hospital for my tonsillitis was the MOBO Snipe pictured here 

from a great book on British toy boats. 

The hull was zinc and the deck was possibly aluminum and they fit like a biscuit tin. The book says three speeds but memory says dead slow and stationary. 

I remember the pennant disappearing when the hospital bed sheets were changed. I was very upset and a nurse made a replacement from a hair pin and a button! 

The tin rudder dropped off in the pond and I remember my father in co-operation with the local hardware store (Ironmongers if the term is still used in the UK) welded a replacement. This was a sort of WW2 make do affair which at the time struck me as pointless as the boat barely moved under power and the wind carried it where ever it was blowing. 

It's remarkable how one remembers toys from childhood so clearly. 


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