Thursday, 30 August 2018


My Missus read out a interesting anecdote in her book Sapiens the other night.

I'd not heard it before.

It concerns a Navajo talking to NASA.

It may well be an urban or indeed lunar legend.

There are many instances of it on the interweb.

Here's one.

What do you think readers?


  1. I read the above article, very funny! Reminded me of a programme I saw on ch4 about Buddhists and someone commented that Buddhists were always smiling and a guy who had spent time with them said it was cos they were always taking the micky and always telling jokes!- Mark J

    1. Buddhists sound like they've got the right attitude Mark. Bet you don't get much business from the monks in your barber shop! Oddly enough I wanted to be either a Shaolin monk or even more a Zen monk when I was a teenager. there was a Zen monastery in Northumbria and I had plans to up sticks and knock on their door. I never did!
