Thursday, 23 August 2018


In 2017 I did a post about Jane Blonde secret agent dolls.

It lead to some interesting discussion in the comments about their origins and whether they were knockoffs or customs or what.

Looking back over previous action dolls on Moonbase I asked contributor Paul Kaiju about his Lady Hawk below.

Paul said: " The Doll I own is ball jointed resin, by a company called Luts and their "Chic line". They are sadly discontinued. They are pretty technical and strung like old school dolls. I used to do custom airbrush doll makeup and resin eye parts long ago before I began manufacturing my own Kaiju toys."

Being completely new to me I checked the LUTS brand. They're Korean.

 I realised that it indeed wasn't a Jane Blonde relative nor a line of secret agents but I thought I'd share the link to their site nonetheless as its so unusual. Doll collecting is big business - I imagine much bigger than space and robot collecting - and some of the prices are eye-watering. 

The dolls are interesting too like this Commander of the Blue Knights.

What do you think readers?


  1. >BJD (Ball Jointed Dolls) here on Moonbase
    I don't understand what is happening

    1. Ha ha. Im interested in all vintage toys Ran including Sindy, Barbie and especially secret agent dolls. Even some modern dolls too. Im always learning!

  2. We've quite a few BJDs here at Houston Base mostly due to the Mrs. There are quite a few manufacurers of them and scales ranging from 1/12 to 1/3. There's some really nice engineering in them also. Double joints that lock, swivels, changeable hair, eyes, clothing. They can be quite heavy and expensive as some are made of resin instead of plastic and also limited editions pop up from time to time. We're talking usually seriously limited editions. We've got a Dark Leaf which was limited to only 10 made world wide.

    1. Again BJD is a new term for me Lance and Ran. Dark Leaf sounds like a real treasure .... and expensive! Ill have to stick to finding old Sindy's at boot sales!
