Thursday, 21 June 2018


Its been a disappointing week at Moonbase for one reason and another but a light on the horizon has been Zal Cleminson's /sin dogs/.

Zal was the ace guitarist with SAHB or the Sensational Alex Harvey Band, who I adored as a young hippy in the mid to late Seventies. He also did a stint in Nazareth too but it's SAHB I remember and their brilliant album Tomorrow Belongs to Me was a stand-out.

Zal's SAHB clown-face was glam memorable and his playing utterly superb.

I understand that his make-up was inspired by the Joker from the original US Batman TV series too.

Rock on Cesar Romero!

Zal's new band /sin dogs/ is a refreshingly heavy outfit and an early listen to their new material proves that he's still got what it takes to create tidal waves of hard rock, speedway riffs and growling lyrics up there with the best of 'em.

Not bad for a 69 year old!

Did you like SAHB and have you heard /sin dogs/?

1 comment:

  1. There were many memorable glammed guitarists in the Seventies and the glam certainly didn't get in the way of their masterful fretwork. Besides Zal there was the lead guitarist from Mud, the axemen of Sweet, Dave Lee of Slade, the Glitter Band and of course Marc Bolan and Dave Bowie.
