Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Terranova's Wooden Trains and Boats

Hello Woodsy,

Further to working with wood for toys:

The warships I found in a junk store on Long Island. Carved of wood with metal bits added are interesting in that they are British outline and a couple have Union flags. 

The trains came from the UK years ago. They appear to be the work of one person. As shown with a OO Tri-ang plastic coach they are 1/76 scale wood and card construction and are definite locomotives mostly of Victorian/Edwardian era. 




  1. These are superb Terran. Can't believe they're wooden! Did you paint them all?

    1. The only thing I painted was the diorama of off cuts of plywood to display the warships.

      My feeling about the trains is that they were made in the 40's or 50's as the locos are from early in the 20th century. Also that's when hobbyists used wood and card for modelling.

    2. They look excellent. Museum quality. Have you ever displayed them to the public?

    3. Being in the US if I were to take them to my local train club annual Christmas show there would be no interest. Model railroaders as they are known here have very narrow vision/interests and don't actually identify with real railways, let alone foreign (to them) ones.

      That by the way is the way most Yanks react to anything other than what they know. I remember a comic convention in NYC over 30 years ago where British dealers were selling US Marvel comics for less than the US dealers but because the price on the cover was in pence not cents there were no sellers. The same comic, from the same printing but with a change of black plate for the cover, yet not good enough for their collection? The comic by the way was Howard the Duck #1.

    4. Living abroad is never easy. I just need to look at the plight of EU nationals in the UK to know that. On a much more positive note, Moonbase has a lot of American readers Terran and their welcome contributions continue to add interest and insight to our hobby.
