Monday, 2 April 2018


Easter Monday was the highlight of our family Easter weekend when I was a kid. 

In the late Sixties/ early Seventies we would all visit Avenham Park next to the River Ribble in Preston where hundreds of people rolled eggs down the park's grassy slopes. This was called Pace Egging.

The visit always involved a picnic and the us youngsters would get Easter eggs. Favourites of mine were a cardboard egg clock and a plastic truck that carried a chocolate egg. The truck was that rare thing, a toy made for Easter. I loved that truck which was nicknamed Freaster as it was for Easter! 

Later, as got older, I recall taking thick canes to the park for me and my brothers to Kendo fence with during the Kung Fu boom. I blame all that sugary chocolate for this behavior! Great fun.

As the afternoon faded the family would pack up the picnic and high tail it back home in the car in time for 5 'o'clock. Or was it 6?


Disneytime on the telly! A medley of clips from classic Disney animated films, it  was the must-see show on Easter Monday.

And that was it. Easter was over for another year and the warmer breezes of Spring whispered of the Sunshine to come in May.

Did you get any Easter toys readers? What were your fave eggs? Did you watch Disneytime? Do you collect Easter toys from companies like Easter Unlimited?

Avenham Park Easter Monday 1970:

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