Sunday 4 March 2018

There'll Be No Morning For Us: Peering into The Fog 1980

Been watching John Carpenter's The Fog from 1980.

You know the one. Antonio Bay and the Seagrass.

Besides the usual observations about John Carpenter's distinctive musical score and superb photography, here are a few other more tangential thoughts.

First up the name Loomis. Its important to Carpenter.  Loomis is the real surname of two members of John Carpenter's film crew. One of them, Nancy Loomis also plays Sandy Fadel in the Fog. Its relevant since in the film Halloween, the Professor, one Donald Pleasance, is also called Loomis. He was Michael Myers' shrink. Carpenter often used friends' names in his movies.

The late Debra Hill co-wrote the script for the Fog along with Carpenter. Hill had co-wrote Halloween and set the film in Haddonfield, New Jersey, where she was from! I'm starting to think that New Jersey is the centre of American horror and spooks!

Interestingly a character called Dan O'Bannon also pops up in the Fog, a reference to Carpenter's past collaboration with the real O'Bannon on Dark Star. The late O'Bannon went on to co-script ALIEN and the rest is history. Coincidentally O'Bannon's Dad was a carpenter! The actor who played O'Bannon in the Fog, Charles Cyphers, had once competed in a game show for a date with Yvonne Craig aka Batgirl!

Arguably the main character in the Fog is Stevie Wayne, the radio presenter played by Adrienne Barbeau. Barbeau was married to John Carpenter at the time and she went on to voice Catwoman in Batman The Animated Series!

The Mayor of Antonio Bay in the Fog is none other than that shower curtain queen herself, the late Janet Leigh, star of the iconic Psycho. Her daughter with Tony Curtis was Jamie Lee Curtis and both Mother and Daughter appeared in the Fog together!

The male lead in the Fog is the character Nick Castle played by Carpenter stalwart Tom Atkins. Atkins was married to Garn Stephens. They both appeared in Halloween III: Season of the Witch. Stephens played Marge Guttman the toy shop owner who has a bad evening sat in bed when she prods her hair clip into one of Silver Shamrock's witchcraft mask decals. Bad idea!

Interestingly Tom Atkins' lead-male characters in both The Fog and Halloween III: Season of the Witch meet up with a young woman visiting the towns in the films: Stacey Nelkin in Witch and Jamie Lee Curtis in the Fog. 

Both women can be seen as bad omens. After teaming up with them and investigating strange goings-on in both movies, his character beds both young women whilst all around them is carnage and skullduggery.

Interestingly Stacey Nelkin had once been cast as Pris in Blade Runner. As we know, the role eventually went to Daryl Hannah.

One other thing struck me, about the coastline of Antonio Bay in The Fog. It has a distinct curving shape.

I'd seen something very similar and thought maybe they were the same but no. Here's what I was thinking of, the colony retreat in The Howling.

I didn't see any old toys in the Fog but I did see a large blue plastic space-age radio in Stevie Wayne's bedroom I think. I've no idea of the make but it reminded me immediately of the central section [dials and clock face] of the Merit Dan Dare Radio Station. Anyone know the US radio?

Do you like The Fog?


  1. Definitely a fan of this atmospheric film. I prefer it over the 2005 Rupert wainwright remake. But then I admire a lot of John Carpenter's work, including The Thing & Assault on Precinct 13.
    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this absorbing review, packed with gems of info and film theory. Most of which I didn't previously realize. Nice piece of research Woodsy :)

    1. Cheers Tone. I do like digging into films. I've not seen the remake. I've got so attached to a whole bunch of films from my youth that I don't want to see remakes personally. Black Christmas was a case in point. The original is a classic, the remake utter dross. But I'm biased! Having said that I suppose The Thing is a remake of The Thing from AnoTher World but in theor case I love them both! ha ha. Yes, Carpenters stuff is great. Even odd ones like Prince of Darkness are interesting with his buddy Don Pleasance. Assault on Precinct 13 is just amazing I agree.

  2. Does this mean you and Bill B will broadcast the next SWORDcast from lighthouse radio station KAB in Spivey Point? Watch out for the fog, Woodsy, ha ha :)

    1. ha ha! you mean a pirate radio station! Not KAB, it'll be GAR!

  3. Oooh...'Pirate Radio' ha ha... how did I miss that. Okay, you win :D

  4. Love The Fog.Met Ms. Barbeau at Monstermania con some years ago and she's a real sweetheart.A few other tidbits about Haddonfield NJ:The famous duckbill dinosaur Hadrosaur gets it's name via Haddonfield.I guess that is where the first fossils were found.There's a dinosaur statue in the downtown area there, next time I'm there I'll take a pic.Haddonfield is also home to a product called Boost(formerly Taka Boost or Drink a Toast),a syrup that can be mixed with carbonated water to make a soft drink,decades before products like SodaStream.

    1. Superb stuff Bri. NJ really is the spook centre of the US! You've been to some ace cons as well. Monstermania sounds sensational. Glad youre a fellow Fogger too. Fancy meeting Ms. Barbeau! I love her voice!

  5. There's a Monstermania con this month in Cherry Hill NJ,but I'm not sure I can go with this crazy work schedule going on.Search the word Monstermania and you will probably come up with their webpage showing all the guest appearances.

    1. It must be great to be a toy and minster fan in the US. There's so much going on. I used to loved watching Toy Hunter on TV. The first series was best, when he found a Knickerbocker Ring Wraith in a box of bots and bats. Fabulous. The second series where he found stuff for celebrities was less effective. He seemed awkward with the likes of the guy from Kiss. I think it was Gene Simmons perhaps.

    2. Monstermania is this coming weekend.I might be able to manage a visit sunday.

    3. Superb! If you d go Bri let us all know how you get on!
