Tuesday, 13 March 2018


Here's another TV Ad using Action Man.

This time its Subaru.

Its from last year I think.

What do you think?

Do you like the Money Supermarket one better?


  1. Not sure how I missed it, but this is the first time I've seen the Subaru ad? I prefer this advert, Woodsy.
    I'm not a fan of the Money Supermarket ad. Personally, once the initial fun of animated Action Man has worn off with the first viewing, I'm left with an annoying dance tune I dislike and can't seem to get out of my head.
    Why couldn't Action Man have manned up and delivered Milk Tray to Barbie instead of strutting his funky stuff on the desert dance floor! Hope this doesn't mean I'm showing signs of turning into a grumpy toy collector :)

    1. I suppose the ad makers had a bit of modern irony in their minds Tone when they asked What would Accy Man do if he felt 'epic'? I like it. He's retired. He's having fun!

  2. What... he's not meant to have fun! It's like an awkward Full Monty. Then again, even Monty would have felt awkward watching there wayward dancing Desert Rats.
    No... march 'em all to the Guardroom and teach 'em the Military Two-Step if they must boogie-woogie, Woodsy :D

    1. The Military Two Step - for the battle hardened


    2. ha ha, I like it Tone. I think the next level of dancing for Accy Man will be his own Saturday Night Fever: Foot Locker Loose. You can tell by the way he moves his joints he's a plastic man.... ah ah ah ah.....!

  3. Now that does work for me, Woodsy. If we pool our pocket money for the song rights, we could have the ingredients for our own smash Accy ad, ha ha.
    Tony K... standing down, over and out :)
