Monday 5 March 2018

Stranger Things 2 Advice Needed

As the sand runs out on my Netflix freebie, I've chosen Stranger Things series 2 to watch.

I enjoyed series 1 a couple of years ago so I thought I'd carry on. For me its like all those ace Eighties kids films like ET and IT rolled into one, a sort of super stretched Super 8.

I've watched the first 3 episodes so far. I haven't got enough time to watch all the rest of series 2 before Wednesday.

Are there any crucial episodes I should see readers?


  1. ST2 stalls around the middle with an emphasis on the second psychic girl coming to the fore. Essentially though, as I recall its about the sheriff discovering the tunnel network below the town and the Mindflayers incursions into the real world via the sensations of the possessed boy. Id watch the final two episodes, or if youre strapped, the finale. Its kind of obvious how its going to pan out, so its really a question of who buys the farm!

    1. Thanks Bill, just watched the episode where Hopper falls into the tunnel and is missing. I may get chance to watch all of this series after all. It'll be tight though on Thursday. If I'm late I'll have to pay a subscription at some point that day. And I don't want to do that!
