Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Saturn V: Toy Roll Out and Lift Off

There's some beautiful footage of a model Saturn V rocket blasting off from its launch pad and gantry here.

Its from You Tube and appears about half way through.

Rocketry has always fascinated me but I never had actual firing rockets as a kid. Did you?

What I did have was the Project SWORD Cape Kennedy Set with its own Saturn V back in '67.

Made by Century 21 Toys it as a bundle of battery-operated rocket fun!

I had more fun with my set a few years aback as you can see from this You Tube short I did at the time. 

I always thought Century 21 Toys could have released a large plastic biulding, the VAB, as an accessory to this toy, maybe even flat-packed IKEA style!

They didn't so I made my own from a cardboard box.



  1. Your VAB looks tailor made for the Saturn V Cape Kennedy set, Woodsy. The humble cardboard box has a million and one uses when coated with creative imagination. Your footage looks like it was pure fun in the making... and it's a pleasure to watch :)

    1. Thanks a lot Tone. I had a fun run of making short SWORD films a few years ago. I even got Accy Man in my first one, one of those modern ones with massive half-fist hands! Have you had a go at videoing?

    2. Yep Woodsy, I've done a spot of videoing. I started in the 90s using S-VHS, then digital when it came of age. I'm long out of practice though. Last time was 8-9 years ago when I press-ganged my daughters to assist with editing and narration for a project... never again :D

    3. ha ha, never work with children or animals eh! I have huge respect for anyone who films real humans in a dramatic setting Tone!

  2. Cardboard box one of the staples of diorama building since the acient times

    1. Have you used cardboard boxes in your modelling Ran?

    2. Background is made out of cardboard and car body putty/filler

      And in few days time we (me and my Girlfiend) will make post about this really cool diorama of quite creepy castle we made out of styrofam and car body filler

    3. Wow Ran, that's fabulously modern! Are they mostly young people who are your audience? Great model work. Who are the figures?

  3. The first one is from One Punch Man - Tatsumaki (Type of figure is Nendoroid a type of "super deformed"/cartoon proportions action figure)

    Second one is from Re:Zero - Rem (scale figure)

    And yes most of our viewers are people around 15-25 years old, but most of the fans of the model kits and older series we posts are 20-35 years old

    1. Thanks for that Ran. Its all new to me. Oh to be young again!
