Tuesday 6 March 2018



I don't know if you listened to the Goons on the radio, or for that matter know that some of the stories were re-recorded and acted out by puppets as The Telegoons. 

Believe it or not these are contemporaneous with Stingray from 1964. I actually paid for these and they are not even signed like 'Biggles' 



  1. Thanks for sharing this Terran. I really enjoyed reading the letter and looking st the pics of the puppets. I know the Telegoons from my TV Comic annuals. I googled the letter's author, Wendy Danielli and found the following biog very poignant knowing she actually signed your letter. http://www.telegoons.org/Bios/Bio_WD.htm
    I was fascinated by the fact she co-founded both Grosvenor and Tonwen merchandising. It reminded me of Gerry and Sylvia over at APF and C21. It seems Tonwen only issued one bit of merchandise, a Mount Everest colouring book. I then wondered of your promo photos were 'lost' maerchandise that Telegoons researchers are unaware of. Further googling lead to a whole site on them including a comprehensive merchandise chapter ... and guess what, no promotional photographs listed! http://www.telegoons.org/merchandise.htm

    1. Interesting. Pleased to have given a 'scoop' tp Moonbase Central.

    2. I will have to get my TV comic annuals out and read the Telegoons strips again!

  2. A lot of new material should show up this summer on http://www.telegoons.org during its long-overdue and much needed update, currently in process. ;-) Cheers, Al Roxburgh, webmaster. You may contact me about any Telegoons related matters at aroxburgh at ieee dot org (you'll need to translate that email address for it to work)

    1. Thanks Kiwi. I shall let Terranova47 know too. Great stuff.

  3. Peter Embling7/26/2022 12:22 am

    Hi - would it please be possible for me to use these excellent photographs of the Telegoon puppets in the next issue of the quarterly magazine of The Goon Show Preservation Society? If not, please drop a line to me at: newsgoonsgsps@gmail.com. Thank you.

  4. Because these promo photos were sent out to fans of The Telegoons outside of normal licensing, I don't see why they cannot be used in the same vein, to promote the show, even if a little belatedly. But, Peter, that is just my opinion. You did scoop me on this one, because even though I have copies of these, I still have not put t hem up on The Telegoons website.

  5. THE TELEGOONS UPDATE: A new edition of The Encyclopædia Goonicus (EG) has been published by the Goon Show Preservation Society (GSPS), a project dedicated to preserving the memory of stray Goon things in an orderly form. I highly recommend that you support it by becoming a dues-paying GSPS member, details of which are available at the official GSPS website, http://www.thegoonshow.org.uk/. There is also a Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/TheGSPS which (allegedly) will also get you to the official GSPS website. It is also possible to get there via a link in the main menu page of this very webpage (click the bottom menu item that says GSPS Main Site). Another alternative is to send an email to membership.gsps@btinternet.com, where the Membership Secretary will gladly help.

    GSPS membership brings certain privileges. These include a quarterly newsletter (paper or PDF) and invitations to events (there's an annual gathering at a London pub, an occasional 'do' at the BFI, etc.). Also, member-only access to The Encyclopædia Goonicus (See http://www.thegoonshow.org.uk/page30.html for details).

    The Tele-Goonography section of the http://www.telegoons.org website includes a substantial new detail: Each Telegoons episode description now lists GSPS holdings of mp4 and MPEG-2 versions. These are newly cleaned-up and restored digital transfers of The Telegoons 16 mm cine films held in the GSPS archives, where they have been for a couple of decades. They are of much higher resolution than previous GSPS transfers and include several segments of newly restored audio. They represent the final deliverables of The Great Telegoons Telecine Project. I began this preservation project in July 2003 in East Tilbury, Essex, England. Finally, I completed it in July 2021 in Portland, Oregon, USA. Remarkably, the duration of this project was almost 18 years to the day! However, after 18 years of biennial performance improvements under Moore's law, the digital editing, which would have been many months of my time, was reduced to about 40 hours!

    It's been a long and winding road. Still, on successfully completing this work, I can say that The Telegoons have never looked and sounded better in these newly-minted digital transfers! These transfers are governed by the latest version of the EG end-user agreement and copyright statement. In Essence, the new mp4 and MPEG-2 Telegoons files are restricted for use only by Goon Show Preservation Society (GSPS) members. They may not be passed to anyone who is not a member. Said members must, of course, have electricity. Copying or uploading any EG video in any form is prohibited and cannot be sold, lent, rented, traded, or otherwise distributed. Public performance or broadcasting of these videos is not permitted. It would need to be negotiated with the BBC and other copyright holders, including any presumed heirs of Grosvenor Films Ltd's assets.

    As always, you are welcome to email me (aroxburgh@ieee.org) with comments, corrections, or just to ask, "What time is it?"
