Monday 12 March 2018

My Hair Was Always Above Me

My distinct lack of hair these days puts it safely beyond any category of style other than slaphead.

Not so the young Woodsy!

At one time my full head of hair allowed any number of styles.

The earliest cut I donned, during the Sixties, was a sort of bob, rather like Davy Jones in the Monkees. I doubt the Monkee look was intentional as I wasn't a believer of any great substance.

My first real style of any meaning was a Bowie cut in the early 70's when the other David Jones was at his moonage peak. I adored Bowie and trying to look a bit like him was a no-brainer. I was geeky anyway so why not. I think the barber's technique was called feathering. I was feathered.

The high point of my Bowie cut was miming to Ziggy Stardust at the school talent show. I had a guitar and a lipstick circle painted on my forehead. Ziggy played guitar!

As the Seventies smouldered like a burning joss-stick I was assimilated by the Borg that was Heavy Rock. Bowie made way for Budgie and Rush and my locks grew longer.

By 1977 I was fully a haired-up hippy with a mass of black curls and a thick beard. Not so much a style as an anti-style, in those days I ended sentences with the word 'man' and considered myself to be right-on. The sheer amount of hair lead to nicknames like Tree, Gandalf, Inri and Beatnik!

The high water mark of this hair-do was performing in a rock band called Sirius at a pub gig in the summer of 1980. It was my hair's woodstock.

The rest as they say was a receding hair line!

How have you been with your hair readers?


  1. The more I think about it the more I fear I've always had more or less the same 'style' (or lack of). Seems to be going alarmingly grey now though.

    1. Must be a durable cut Kev hewn from strong stuff!

  2. Crew cuts until I was five,bowl cuts until I was 13.Until I graduated High school,I sported spikes like Sid Vicious or Billy Idol.After that,I grew 18 inches of stiffly sprayed metal hair,sometimes permed and brushed out(there is photos, I'll have to ask mom).After I joined the Sheet Metal Workers' Union, I was badgered into a mullet for safety reasons.I eventually donated my locks in the early 00's for Cancer charities,and eventually settled into the"FeauHawk" you see today.What a long strange trip it's been!

    1. I've always sported a quiff of some kind since I was 15! But the amount of hair creating it has decreased!! 15 years ago I had a lot of hair at the back of my head, all one length and a blunt line an inch over my hair line, I overheard someone say it looked like a haircut from the dark ages!!! I of course took it as a compliment!!- Mark J

    2. Bri, that's a social history of America right there on your head! ha ha. I love that, badgered into a mullet! a great line. Alas, the mullet has left Britain .... but maybe it will return!

    3. That's very Elvis MJ, a quiff since your teens. Were you a rockabilly boy back then? The best Dark Ages haircut I know of is Christian Slater's mink top in the film The Name of the Rose. Its a bowl classic!
