Sunday 11 March 2018



 It struck me I hadn't named the Soho theatre, where I first saw 2001 Space Odyssey.

I used to lecture as a part-timer (industry based) at various tertiary institutions on film design, but my sudden hearing impairment put an end to that. I really enjoyed "giving something back to the next generation" - in fact one bloke came up to me and said, "You probably don't remember me, but you lectured me 20 years ago and so inspired me that I became a teacher too!"

It only takes one testimonial like that to make it all worth while!

The Alien:Covenant gig was "interesting". I really wanted to work on an Alien film.

For these background props, they had REALLY SPECIFIC 3D rendered images, so my job satisfaction was making my finished props look EXACTLY like the references I was given.

In the end, I just saw one blurry bronze bell behind Fassbender in the laboratory scene! Still, better than my work on "Revenge of the Sith" where I saw not one thing that I'd worked on!

I've got some lovely silver fabric to use for my Heyward Floyd figure once I've sorted out the pattern and there'll be enough left over to make a 1/3 scale Gay Ellis in a SHADO spacesuit after that!

Mind you, making the purple wig is going to be a mindbender Ha! Ha!

LOVE ya blog, Man! Chat again soon, 



  1. Really interesting story Lewis cheers !

    1. I agree with Fenton Lewis, fascinating stuff. We want to hear more from you!
      Cheers and best of luck with your new figure projects and restoring the SPC.

  2. A bit of an obscure point, but those looped devices looking like rattles (particularly the wooden one) are sistra (or individually, a sistrum) a musical instrument used in ancient Egyptian temple rituals and in the modern Ethiopian church -surprising to see thme here!

    1. That's fascinating Andy and what a great new word, Sistra! I suppose Alien Covenant had that ancient vibe to it.
