Thursday, 15 March 2018

Kev D's Scratchbuilt Star Trek McCoy's Medikit Scanner


Finished making McCoy's little medical scanner. 

Decided to go with a non-working model for ease. Made this entirely out of scrap, including a scent bottle lid, some hologram stickers and half a metal yoyo that came in a christmas cracker!

The pouch case is done too.

Take care,

Kevin D


  1. It looks superb Kev and its ingeneous how you made it. This gizmo was always one of my faves on the show when Bones got it out and started whirring it over sick folk and aliens. His trusty assistant had one too as well i think. Pity modern doctors never embraced the technology!

  2. Thanks. Star Trek has been pretty good at predicting technology so far so it will probably come!
