Monday 5 March 2018

Dangerous Visions

Photography is my major passion, probably more so than writing at present, but there is a point where both arts meet. This is the juncture where the photograph begins to tell a story, sometimes unplanned, sometimes intentional. I took a series of experimental shots recently and looking at them later, I was put in mind of astronomical and planetary images. As a result, I edited some of them slightly - adjusting brightness and tone and adding in a couple of additional elements, such as a moon photo. The key to this kind of photography is to try and keep as much as possible 'in camera' and avoid heavily photoshopping too much. These are the results.


  1. Beautiful visions Bill, like photo's from the window of a spaceship flying low over Io. All that's needed is to project them onto a huge screen in a darkened room on a slow loop and Van Morrison's Inarticulate Speech of the Heart playing too. Cosmic Heaven! Great shots.

  2. The images have a unique beauty to them.

  3. So, out of curiousity, any idea what these images actually are? They are basically everyday items, as shot, apart from the moon and the small rainbow.

  4. Magnificent shots, Bill, very evocative!

    Not sure I'd like to know what they are in reality though. With the previous 'moon shots' that was good fun and why those images were taken; here not knowing what it is heightens the mystery and the magic!

    (that's just my $.02 - let me not stop anybody else having a guess! :)

    Best -- Paul

  5. I can't see what they were originally, Bill? But as Paul says, perhaps that's part of the magic. Image 2 conveys two very different thoughts for me - listening to the rain against the window on a rainy childhood Saturday... secondly, a mise-en-scene from James Cameron's terraforming LV-426. Eye of the beholder I guess :)

  6. A pancake with a (Syrtis) major identity crisis?

  7. Wonderful photos to add, very atmospheric Bill. Was an aquarium involved in the process?

  8. Ha ha - mise-en-scene as Tony suggests. Ill reveal later! Meantime, thanks for the kind comments!

  9. wow,excellent work,a really space travel... (Pink Floyd as soundtrack) :) EW

    1. yes, Pink Floyd EW! They used images like this in their early shows, dripping oil and colour projected onto the wall.
