Wednesday 7 February 2018

SpaceX Major: The Flight of the Falcon Heavy

Have any of you seen the amazing launch sequence and flight of the US SpaceX Falcon Heavy from yesterday?

Did you see the returning side boosters?

I was stunned with amazement!

What did you think?


  1. Yep, it's good, but it's still not as powerful as the Saturn V!

    1. What did you think of sending a Teslas car into space?

    2. Not thrilled by space gimmicks!

  2. Amazing.I've only seen landings like that in cartoons or movies.

    1. Yep, I thought the return of the side boosters was totally brilliant. I had to look twice before I actually knew what was happening. Could Elan Musk spark a new space age?

  3. Yes the Saturn Five still wears the crown, at least for now...

    But SpaceX have an even more powerful rocket than the Falcon Heavy, or the Saturn itself, due to come on line. The BFR will lift 147 Tons to LEO!!! - God knows how loud that thing will be. The Saturn Five would lift 138 ton, and you had to stand a couple of miles away from it on take off.

    I always thought that the Saturn was a beautiful rocket and of course it will still be the tallest rocket ever made so far, even though the the BFR will have more power. I hear that NASA have an even bigger rocket planned though, called the 'Space Launch System'. This will be all of twenty one inches higher than the Saturn at 365 foot.

    We are truly in exciting times with space exploration once again, and with a name that means so much to us all at Moonbase Central.

    1. I agree, the times are exciting and if Elon Musk's promotional stunts like slapping his Tesla inside the rocket can get a new generation interested in space travel then all the better. I had a long chat with a young teenager today who asked me over and over whether the Starman dummy and the car could drive through the asteroid belt safely! It has caught his imagination and that has to be good.

      Those even bigger rockets sound fabulous Bill!

  4. BFR? Think about it?!!!!!!!! Love it! 'Fat'; I'm sure it's for 'Big Fat Rocket'! I also thought when I saw the picture of the car the other day . . . "It seems to be just leaning in a big space, shouldn't it be tied down or something", then today the pictures of it being towed through space like the old record sleeve . . . priceless!


    1. It is a priceless image seeing that dummy steering its car through the solar system. Almost a Dark Star-type moment Hugh!

  5. Hi Hugh, I'm pretty sure that Elon Musk has actually said it officially stands for Big F***ing Rocket! [Hes got the money, and the PC Mob can rant all they like!] - However, one can't say that in polite company so an alternative is Big Falcon Rocket, the SpaceX official compromise is BFR... Reminiscent of British 60's SciFi television, one meaning for the kids and something to make the adults chuckle too.

    I think the car is secured underneath to a thin black lattice assembly, which makes it look as if its literally like a command module. When in space will be almost invisible once jettisoned from the deep space injection stage.

    End result is it'll look like the car will be coasting through space, with the dummy in a spacesuit driving it. David Bowies "Starman" is playing on repeat through the sound system [even though there is no air to hear it!] - and the NAV display has "DONT PANIC" on the centre screen.

    Love it!

    1. I agree Bill, its a great thing that Elon Musk has done. He's a billionaire [courtesy of Paypal and other things] and obviously knows the pubic appeal of a good gimmick like sending his car into space. For me the most impressive thing were the side boosters returning to the launch pads. That was sensational. There was a lady astronaut on the News this morning discussing NASA and the Space Shuttle but to be honest it seemed old hat compared to Musk's SpaceX. I hope they team up but not stifle each other.
