Thursday 8 February 2018

Pretend Choo-Choos

I just had a thought. 

Did you as a kid go round the house like a steam train?

What I mean is did you chug slowly round the place making a shunting noise and pistoning your arms like I did with the occasional choo-choo?

What I wanted was for friends and family to join me at the rear themselves chugging and pistoning in unison. The more chuggers the better the train and the better the fun!

I can imagine that this human train would work brilliantly in the school playground but I can't get past Cowboys and Indians in my memories of that feature of my schooldays.

Did you chug round the house?


  1. Actually, I was more of a Diesel man myself. I grew up right next door to the Erie-Lackawanna Railroad in New Jersey, and saw many trains zoom by daily. When I rode my bike around town, I would often pretend to be one of their magnificent Alco RS-3 road switchers pulling a commuter train out of Manhattan. Good memories.

    1. What a vivid memory that is Zigg, a road switcher pulling out of Manhattan. Could be the start of a novel like Catcher in the Rye! You should write it! Many MC readers are from NJ and NYC. Why do you think that is?

  2. I didn't go Choo Choo around the house as a kid, but there was a hill that I went down that paralleled my local steam branch line.

    The pavement had been dug up to lay new phone cables and the repair was an 18" wide asphalt strip down through the paving stones. I would run down this 'track' pretending to be the steam locomotive behind the houses.

    For all I know the 'track' is still there on Holmesdale Road, Highgate, N6

    1. Looking at Google Street View I would say there is Terran!,-0.1416697,3a,75y,293.99h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s-02CJPLN6M7vMdMX1kz9Pw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656
