Saturday 24 February 2018

Matchbox Golden Eagle Jeep Anyone?

Picked one of these up among a few other bits this week. From a local Charity shop.

I thought at first glance I thought it was related to the Iron Eagles range we've been discussing but its a stand-alone Golden Eagle jeep by Matchbox from 1981.

You got one of these readers?

Mines missing the windscreen. This complete one's online.


  1. I had one of these,as well as a model kit.I went through a Jeep Golden Eagle phase when I was about 12, so the 1981 timeline is accurate.I also still have a battery operated version that is similar to the Stomper line by Schaper.I think they were called Rough Riders 4x4 and I forget the toymaker.The headlights still light up but the motor seems to have seized.

    1. Superb Bri! You seem to have everything in your stash! Anytime you want to send pics of your various Golden Eagles feel free. The same for your Micronauts mash-ups!
