Monday, 29 January 2018

Sweeping Up My Dairy Milk Crumbs with My Plastic Toy Broom

I've just been watching a Gtech AIR Ram advert on TV. You know the one, where the inventor Nick Grey promises that you'll break free. It still looks like hoovering to me!

It did remind me of something though. I'm pretty sure that there was a toy hoover in my parent's house. Now I can't swear to it being mine but it would make sense as I was the only small kid in the house. I did have some younger nieces so it may well have been theirs.

I don't have a problem with hoovering as a lad but imagine that gender-based toy buying was strong in the Sixties. 

To muddy the water even more I know that I had access to some toy sweeping brushes, a hand brush and a dustpan. I can see them now but again they may not have been mine.

Another household gizmo in toy form that I recall was a plastic iron. It had a dial and a cable with a suckered plug on the end.

One gadget I did own was a plastic telephone. It was an old fashioned BT payphone toy like those once found in BT phone-boxes [what's happening to those - no-one uses a pay phone now surely?]. It was a great toy with a phone dial and a slot for shoving in plastic money. I knew I'd got this from a lodger called Len who lodged in our house along with other lodgers. 

I had thought they were dockers from Preston docks nearby but my Sister told me last year that they were GPO workers. GPO stood for General Post Office and was the state-owned supplier of mail and phone services until around 1980 I think. This made even more sense as I can well imagine a GPO worker giving me a toy payphone.

For some reason this has reminded me of a lovely thing I also had. It was a chocolate vending dispenser made of red plastic. It stood up and when you pushed in a coin a little bar of Dairy Milk chocolate popped out the bottom! It stood up and I suppose it was a money box as well.

Did you have any toy household items like these readers?


  1. There was a battery powered, hand held vacuum cleaner toy made by Ever Ready, the battery makers. The toy measured about 12" and had a fabric bag to hold the items that the mechanism actually picked up.

    A toy that really sucked!

    1. A toy that really sucked! classic . I was howling at that one! You could have hit the nail on the head with that Ever Ready toy Brian!

  2. I had a toy stove when I was a kid,and that could have been viewed askance by other boys,but I think it was a springboard to a lifetime love of cooking.In fact,as bad as the construction trades are these days, I've been thinking about returning to a culinary job, at least part-time.

    1. I made loads of mud pies as a nipper Brian but it just didn't improve my cooking skills though so I'm well impressed you can cook. I imagine that being a professional chef could be stressful on some days.

  3. Certainly.And being a sheet metal worker for 25 years is no walk in the park either.

    1. Did you ever make anything sheet metal working for your home Bri? Like a grill or firepit?
