Wednesday, 10 January 2018


Missus Moonbase and I watched an online BBC box set this week, Hard Sun.

I was personally intrigued as it referenced one of my favourite David Bowie songs in the blurb, Five Years.

Five Years and Hard Sun have the same premise, that there is only five years left on Earth.

In Hard Sun the looming catastrophe is an exploding sun, the ultimate Disaster or 'ill-starred event'.

Like many readers of Moonbase Central I'm into Sci-Fi and the engulfing sun idea got me straight away. A dying Earth is also the back story to Project SWORD!

I was, alas, disappointed. Hard Sun was basically a long episode of Spooks with a slight whiff of the X-Files I thought.

Anyways, I won't say any more in case you're planning to watch it!

Let us know what you think.

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