Sunday, 28 January 2018

A Fantastic Mess Or Not? Hong Da's Space Search Toy

In 2016 I branded the Hong Da Space Ship "Is this the Ugliest Space Toy in History?"

A true Frankenstein space toy. We discussed it and then it was forgotten.

Until just this month American reader Lance reminded me of it's Taiwanese quirks.....


Heyas Woodsy. I've managed to escape from the ice here in Houston and stumbled upon this lovely gem of a toy [Ebay].

Obviously the base toy is inspired by the Proteus from Fantastic Voyage, probably copied from a model kit of the sub. 

But then it goes south. It seems to have been rammed by an X-wing and got a couple of large booster rockets up the backside. 

Not sure if you were aware of this one so thought I'd share!

PS. Happy birthday to Bill from Houston!

Inspired by Lance's observations I had another look myself and realised that its ...plastic!

I had thought that it was tin-plate but no, its an honest-to-garden plastic space toy from Taiwan!

The detailing ain't half bad either. Look at the effort Hong Da have made with the cockpit dashes and consoles. They're almost Major Matt Masonesque.

I think I'm going to revise my original sentence that this is the ugliest space toy ever and give it a stay of execution for now.

What do you think readers?


  1. It's always reminded me of The Voyager from that Star Trek show with the same name as the ship! There are lots of nerds on youtube that use CGI putting Enterprises in familiar situations, maybe there's a nerd that we know that could do that with this "Space Ship" - Mark J

    1. Ah, Voyager eh Mark. I see what you mean. I'm sure this crazy toy will feature in some home-movie fantasy somewhere.

  2. It reminds me a bit of the ship from Fantastic Voyage.
    I think a re-paint and getting rid of those cheesy red engine vents would help it along.

    1. I agree KnobG. The big knitting needles at the back are its least attractive feature!
