Monday, 11 December 2017

the toy house rack toys: life's little christmas treats

I first came across The Toy House brand in a gorgeous collectors book

It was Space Toys of the 60's by James H. Gillam. 

I managed to get a signed copy off the author.

The Toy House brand popped up in the Colorforms Outer Space Men [OSM] chapter.

These Colorforms action figures were my favourite space toys of my tender years.

So, I was amazed that there were knockoffs too.

The Toy House released two carded sets of OSM knockoffs called Space Marauder Bendables. Both carries the LIFE banner too above the toy brand.

They are lovely toys in their own right and I can well understand why they are sought after by collectors.

But like all cloners The Toy House cast a wide net for inspiration. All seemed to carry the LIFE banner too, which I assume related to LIFE magazine!

Kooky Animals for instance

These were also made by Imperial Toy Corporation, which may have also been clones but somewhere there was an original source I hope so I'll stop cloning around!

Some The Toy House toys may be their own. Its hard to say.

Here are two I recently saw on Ebay.

The Apollo Rescue Team is a natty little set containing divers, a chopper and a space capsule. I would have loved it as a young Buzz Aldrin in my Christmas stocking!

The Space Landing Capsule looks interesting as well. I assume that the astronaut fits into the blue capsule somehow and the whole thing is thrown up in the air with the chute. What fun! 

Have you come across any Toy House toys?


  1. Thanks for another great discovery Woodsy, those Outer Space Men clones would be a treat!

    The LIFE box on the cards says in full ADVERTISED IN LIFE.

    1. Thanks Arto for the LIFE line. I suppose it gave the toy range a degree of respectability back then.

  2. The Apollo Rescue Team looks like it's packed for hours of exciting space age fun, Woodsy. It's a beautiful collectors piece as well :)

    1. Thanks Tone. I do love carded space sets like this and this one was a new one on me. I don't own it but having just the picture is fine.

  3. Those animals look like characters from a Hanna Barbera cartoon, I just cant remember any names.Anybody know?

    1. Lippy the Lion? Peter Potomas Brian? They are zoo toys, which turn up in different sets. I used to find them at car boot sales. I blogged about them last year

  4. Maybe it's just coincidence.Something about them just kind of stirred my memory.Those two characters are a possibility.

  5. Sorry for the late reaction, MacBook was fitted with new HD...

    Best -- Paul

    1. Thanks for the link Paul. I thought you'd have something on your SpaceX site. An LP space car no less! I wonder if Toy House did any more LP toy releases?
