Sunday, 24 December 2017

the closing hours of christmas eve

Just a few images of the afternoon and evening at Moonbase this Christmas Eve.

The table set for coffee and cake with an elderly neighbour.

The star hangs over the deer

Presents and treats await eager hands

Lights and stars illuminate darker corners

Heaped kugeln and baubles glister

Santa hangs gifts on the fantastical tree

Flowers, clementines and dates draw Christmas Eve to its magical end

But before it departs the night closes finally with a welcome return of BBC ghost stories for Christmas from the haunted mind of M.R. James, the inspiration for all my own short folk horror films set on the dark fields.

Merry Christmas readers



  1. Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr (and Happy Geburtentag too) :-) Hope St. Nicholas is good to You and Yours as well as all Moonbase Central readers!!
