Thursday, 21 December 2017

saturn tv robot: cheaper by the dozen

The robots are coming!  I saw this on the Bay and thought, Wow! 42 Saturn TV Robots! I bought one of these fellas at the start of the Nineties in Woolworths, Whitby.

I adored that Saturn robot as it was at the beginning of my collecting bug. I could have watched its illuminated TV screen all day!

The head full of missiles was just terrific and they couldn't half fly!

Like all of my bots it was auctioned off in the early Noughties.

Not a cornerstone of the Robot world I was nevertheless smitten when I saw this TV Saturn once again along with 42 of his mates.

Did you or do you have a Saturn TV?


  1. Rodney Allsopp1/04/2024 8:56 pm

    I bought one new from Safeway for £12. Its still new in its new box. Safeway did a robot every Christmas.

    1. Hi Rodney, great to hear you have a Saturn TV robot. Did you get more bots from Safeway? If you ever want to send in a pictures for the blog of your robot/s then my email is at the very bottom, moonbasecentral@ ........... I'd be glad to publish them. Woodsy
