Wednesday, 27 December 2017

matt finish

I managed to get a space sled, thus completing my re-collecting of the small amount of Major Matt Mason stuff that I had as a kid!

Take care,



  1. Lovely. Has Matt been repainted? And the silver trim on the helmet looks a bit glossy, whereas on mine it's matt (no pun intended). Did you know that the first issue of Matt had a smaller head, but it was made slightly larger to match that of his later-released pals who had bigger heads? Why they didn't just make his pals' heads the same size as Matt's escapes me. I've got both versions.

  2. Thanks. The Matt figure wasn't repainted (at least not by me!). Good spot on the visor, it's a fake one I made as my figure didn't have one. Never knew about the heads, interesting.
