Sunday, 10 December 2017

kev's lego star cops


Proving yet again, the dangers of early retirement, I have just made a lego model of the main characters from Star Cops! 

From left to right, Theroux, Spring, Shoun, Kenzy and Devis.

Still, it is probably the excitement of discovering that Big Finish are to do a new season (in audio) of Star Cops next year. 31 years later!

Take care,

Kevin D


  1. Never seen Star Cops Kev but your enthusiasm for the show is infectious. These are lovely figures. Perfect stocking fillers too! I saw on the news that Lego have sued a Chinese firm for knocking off these figures. I bet there are millions of knockoffs out there. Yours are one offs so I don't think you'll be getting a letter from Denmark!

  2. Thanks. Yep, Lego do so much now, you could probably make anything!

  3. Lego is absolutely dangerous ;) great work! ew

  4. Thanks. It's dangerous on the wallet that's for sure!

  5. i know... star wars series..... :) ew
