Tuesday, 26 December 2017

A Project SWORD Christmas!

Its been a Project SWORD and retro Christmas and Birthday this year!

Off their own bat and with a kindness borne of the season friends and relatives have done me proud!

Bill got me a brand new TV21 issue 243 featuring the SWORD story Ring of Fire illustrated by blog friend Paul McCaffrey; Arto kindly sent me a Finnish copy of Kung Fu magazine from 1976.

My Missus got me three Rotring pens, which I used to use to draw detailed maps of Middle Earth onto stones when I was 20! I've still got them!

My Daughter and partner got me a lovely Fanderson record of Barry Gray themes including Zero-X no less and Arto sent me a gorgeous Hellas trading card depicting a Booster Rocket type spaceship.

My friend Evil Ed sent me a fab Curse of the Demon fridge magnet 'cos its our fave monster flick [its in the trees!] ; Arto gave me a wonderful metal pin badge 'Space 2000' [more on this later] ; 

My Daughter and family surprised me with a Project SWORD Astronaut badge of all things and I was further surprised by a friend's gift of a Project SWORD Annual and a SWORD Commander badge, the one missing from my collection!

It really has been a SWORDtastic Christmas and I thank everyone for their generosity. It is very much appreciated.

The Project SWORD feast does not end there though and I will be unboxing some items new to the Moonbase fleet soon. It may even be a video!

Happy Christmas.


  1. Nice haul! Santa is good to nice Swordies!

    1. I must have been in the good books Zigg! Hope you were too!

  2. Happy Boxing Day Woodsy and thank you for all the Moonbase feed over Christmas, it has been like a double Xmas celebration following all the festivities going on!

    In remembrance also of the founding father of our childhoods, Mr. Gerry Anderson (1929-2012).

    1. Thanks Arto and I agree about Gerry, a toast to the late great man.
