Friday, 24 November 2017

Chutes Away Toy and Friends

Hi Woodsy

There are a couple of toys similar to Chutes Away:

Matchbox Steer N Go - It's sort of an upside down chutes away. Instead of an aircraft above the map, you move a magnet under the map 

Also Operation Orbit 

which is a bit more complicated with effectively 2 discs at the same time. 

Similar flight simulator toys would be Flight Deck, and Super Flight Deck, and also Chopper Command / Vertibird. 

Airfix's 'Flight Deck' seems 'borrowed' from 'U Fly It' which looks a bit better. 

Chopper Command 


This is the posh version with a ship - most of them had much less in the box 




  1. Thanks for allowing me to find the Mighty Mike again. I got this as a present when I was 5, but it was unfortunately stolen from the luggage when my family moved back to the old country a year later. I only remembered it as a cool vehicle I used to have climb up and over stacked books and building blocks.
    Also got the "posh" vertibird sometime when I was 11 or 12. At some point the main rotor broke and I had to repair it with a bit of plastic, and it still did ok. While the ship did make this a bulky toy, it was, IMO, way better as you could not just fly the chopper, but maneuver your ship over the shag carpet sea!

    1. Glad we could help zubie. Childhood toys were hard to keep hold of especially if families moved country! Great memories though and thanks for sharing. Let us know if you replace your old toys. Merry xmas, woodsy
