Monday, 23 October 2017

this sinister feast

October hardens like a scab.

Two devils, dancing, demand again the Beast

spew up the Samhain, its festival, its Hell

and ravenous, like greed, let it out to feed,

upon the innocents, the krill it craves, oh yes, He'll gorge

this night, His sinister Feast of Halloween

where incognito He misrules the sweet processions

Before returning like a crab, full fattened, to the darkest sea.


  1. This is an interesting sequence of dark-night images, Woodsy. I really like how you've framed the second pic with candelabra in front of mirror. The candle light gives it a very Gothic feel; and the toy characters actually look quite disturbing, quite alive and could play on the imagination. Almost like a cover image or storyline from a 60s-70s Pan Horror novel. Perfect shots for Halloween poetry !

  2. Thanks Tone. Very Kind. Yes, thats Mod Monster and Halloween Count getting all excited near the candelabra! Oddly enough I'm reading a stack of old Pan Horrors at the mo. Really quite brutal. Can't believe my Mum and Dad read them in the Sixties!

  3. I remember them well from dark winter Saturdays in a second-hand bookshop as a kid. They filled a shelf or two, such was their popularity at the time, Woodsy. pan Horror always had quite unsettling covers. At least I thought so at the time. Must be nice to read these vintage horror classics again :)
