Saturday, 21 October 2017

countdown to Halloween: monsterama creature

I like this old TV series hosted by the modern Vampirella Elvira.

This episode is about merchandise bubbling up from that go to gill-man, the Creature!


Have you any creature collectables?


  1. I must admit this guy has my collection beat by a mile!Most everything I have was clearly shown in this great video.(Although I have 2 or 3 that weren't)They're in boxes now but I have long term plans to display them,if time and money allows.I do have a model that I built and painted on my bookshelf.I will send a pic in the morning.

    1. sounds Creature-tastic Bri! For some reason I think of your collection when I watch these Monsteramas!

    2. Boy would I love to have that Pinball Machine!

  2. I love these fast informative monsterama clips showing our vintage faves from the grave. They're so well done. As for Elvira presenting 'em, Woodsy... a truly mesmerizing vamp if ever there was :)

    1. They are good aren't they Tone. I'd never seen them before stumbling across them the other night. I suppose we have a sort of Elvira here in Blighty, the raven-haired occassional presenter of the Horror Channel, Emily Booth. Not quite as mesmerising as Elvira!
