Sunday, 22 October 2017

countdown to halloween: monsterama model kits

Make way for these monstrous model citizens
introduced by the Mistress of the Night Elvira,
courtesy of You Tube.


  1. As a footnote, I'd like to add that new upstart companies such as Moebius,Monarch and Atlantis are revising even more of these rare gems, so if you think you can never own a Giant Frankie,or Monster Scenes, or Monsters of the Movies, start searching,they're out there!

    1. They'll be collactable in their own right one day Brian I bet. I remember seeing Luminators advertised in the 1990's. Where they Monogram?

  2. Aurora monster kits, especially the Glow in the Dark ones, were a right of passage with kids around here back then. Very happy to see them on another fab Elvira vid, Woodsy :)
