Sunday, 3 September 2017

vintage monster movie comp

A bit of monstrous fun for you tonight readers!

This is the cover of a vintage classic horror film colouring book by World. There's Grimsdyke, The Wolf Man and other 'orrible thingies!

So, looking at it can you name the movie from which the image I've ringed in red is from?

Its the two screaming white faces in the lower right corner.

Leave your ideas in the comments!

Grimsdyke says put your heart into it! [not a clue!]


  1. Can't wait no longer.The film is House on Haunted Hill.That old hag scared the Hell out of me as a kid and I'll never forget.

    1. You got it Brian! You've got a good memory! Yep, the original House on haunted Hill, one of Vincent price's finest. Besides the grinning hag I loved the floating skeleton when I was a kid and re-enacted it for my family as part of a horror thearte I put on using a dining chair as the stage! The skeleton was an Airfix model, which was probably MPC in the States? Well done again!
