Saturday, 9 September 2017

pete woods' fantastic gerry anderson collection

Just today I stumbled across the staggeringly comprehensive Gerry Anderson toys collection of  New Zealander Pete Woods [sadly no relation] on You Tube from 6 years ago.

There's everything you can think of here: JR21, Lincoln, Product Enterprise, Matchbox. You name it Pete's got it! There's even some project SWORD and I half expected him to have a Moon Base Set!

Pete owns countless variations of many toys and its amazing to see them all in one place. I hope you enjoy his 11 minute tour round his Big Room as much as I did. Let me know what you thought and maybe Pete too on You Tube.

There is a slightly earlier version of this video as well in case you really haven't had enough of Pete's eye-wateringly good Anderson collection. Check out his batman and Airfix videos as well!


There's also Pete's less pleasant video of damage to his collection after two earthquakes five years ago. Ouch!


  1. Had to bail out, Woodsy, as his shaky, out-of-focus, right-to-left (instead of left-to-right) camera work made me feel dizzy and as if I were walking backwards. Add to that his monotonous, stop-start-stutter-stammer voiceover and I just couldn't take any more. An object lesson in how NOT to make a video - even when it's about something people want to see.

    1. I do know what you mean Kid. It is a fabulous collection and there's even some Project SWORD toys.

  2. It is a fantastic collection, Woodsy. I can't help but hope Pete continues to collect, despite living with the threat of more earthquakes. Good luck to you Pete :)
